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bucket list of 2013

Hello 2013!!

It feels just like an ordinary day. Nothing seems so special for today, except the fact that we're entering the whole new chapter of calender 2013.

Last night, I've just spent my new year's eve in my best friend's house and just having a regular sleep over with the other 2 people. Just some adults who want to spend some time more together and have a lovely supper around 12 o'clock. But then, I realized all of my past resolutions and I've decided to change the word 'resolution' into 'to do list'. Somehow, making a checklist for me is a lot easier than making a resolution. It seems more ... human. Hahahaha ..

Therefore, I want to share my 'bucket list' of 2013 to all of you, readers. So that if one day I almost forget to do it, you can remind me of it. 

This is it .........

Graduate with an 'A' for my undergraduate thesis - well, basically I really want to graduate in the next 3 months maximum. I really don't want to spend longer time to do one exact thing, besides, it's almost a year already. So, after fighting so hard in these past months, I really have to work on my 'A'. It's a must!

Apply for a master scholarship overseas - it's just a part of me who really want to taste a little life outside of Indonesia. It's kind of obsession for me to have a life in other people country. So, a scholarship is a very best way to get it. Hopefully, I can apply for it this year and get the chance to study for my master in 2014.

Have another promising job - not that I don't love my work now, but I really wish to graduate soon, so I think I should have another job. Something that really related with my major. Something that can really influence my skill and related to my study later. So, what should a psychology bachelor degree do after she graduate?? Still a bizarre question for me.

Be a morning person - seriously it's a really hard thing to do for me! But I can't just wake up too late every single day, it's really wasting my time!

Be more patient and calm - especially for my relationship. I feel sorry for my boyfriend who has to compromise with my bad attitude. Hehehehe .

Taking care more of my belongings - it's included cleaning my room, arranging my books, my bags, shoes, and others. And maybe, if I can have new cellphone or computer, I can also take a good care of them too.

Read and write more - I really want to have my reading habit back, I wish this year there'll be lots of great books. Besides that, I also want to produce more writing in my blog. At least one writing per week.

Lose some weight - well .. is 10 kg too much??

Exercise more or take a dance class - this one is related to the previous one. Anything to make me more healthy and looking good. Hahaha.

Travelling overseas - actually, I've had a plan already with my boyfriend, but it's really hard to decide where to go or the time. So, I really want to make this one happen, Asia first, then Europe later maybe. 

Make a 10 million savings - I don't know whether this one could come true or not, because having that much money means I have to have a really good job with a good salary. But, why not having a very high target. Besides, this saving is for my future ... to go to Raja Ampat, or Paris, or Austria, or Holland .. Hahaha .. *I know it's not enough, but if I had this much money, I hope my father will help to get the rest of the money that I need LOL*

Experience at least one new thing - I don't know what it is, but I really want to try one new thing. And if I did, I'll tell you about it!

Working on my endurance - Ooooh ... this one is very important. I'm easily get bored, so I really need to work on this thing to achieve good results of everything. Focus and focus!!

So ... that's it! All of my 13 checklist of what I want to get in 2013. Hopefully I can get them all or at least most of them. Just pray for the best .... Amen! 


  1. siiiipppp.. tetap semangat gita...
    nanti klo ketemu akan selalu gw ingatkan klo lu mulai lupa
    atau gw seret saat lu mulai lelah


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