How do you know that I'm the one?
No, I don't.
Then what?
Then, how can you possibly know that we're meant to be together?
I don't. I've never said it either, have I?
No. So, it's possible if we're not meant to be together?
So possible.
And you want that?
What I want is not the same.
Wait a second, you just said that it's a possibility that we're not meant to be together.
Yes, it is. I can't predict it, can I?
So, what if actually we're not meant to be together?
Then I think we should be separated.
I don't know. I don't know whether you're not the one also.
So, I guess we'll have the chance to be separated or be together in an equal level. And it has been arranged by the Chairman?
Yes. But, we still have the free will.
And what if we still manage to be together and we're not happy.
We couldn't say being separated makes us happier also.
So, would you take the chance of trying to have an unhappy life with me?
I wouldn't know which one is the better. But, I'm pretty sure that this decision is the best.
Even if there's no guarantee that this relationship will lead us to a better us.
No. But, I'm sure we'll be a better person for the lesson we take.
Even if there's no guarantee that everything will be more beautiful.
Beauty is consist of millions colors, so I think I don't have to be afraid for a little black.
So, just go ahead and take the chance. Take a chance with me.
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