You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just on the night like the 4th of July
'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show them what you worth
Make them go, oh,oh ,oh
As you shoot across the sky
(Katy Perry - Firework)
A few weeks ago, I have just watched one of the Glee's episode. And, on that movie, there's a kissing scene where the guy feels like he's seeing fireworks when he kiss the girl. And so, I was wondering at that moment, did I ever feel any fireworks in my life?
Okay, so we're not talking about the 'kissing' part only, but what I'm trying to say is about the sparkles that we've ever feel when we do something that we really-really wanted and we really-really love. So, as I checked through my memories that I still remembered, I've found some of my experiences that makes me feel like a firework!

1. Kiss!
Well now just take a look back again for a while. When I was young, stupid, fool, and have a strong curiosity about what a kiss would feels like, of course being kissed by someone would turns my life upside down. And so, I had my first kiss with someone that I really liked at that moment. It was raining outside, and we were in his car after having lunch or dinner (I forgot). We were having this kind of relationship for few years at that time. Ups and downs. And we never ever have a serious one actually. So, I don't know how it starts, but it just happen. We were kissing for a few second and yes it feels awesome! My heart beat so fast, I just can't hardly breathing, I was shocked but I was excited also at the same time. It was our first time, of course it brought such a good feeling, right?
2. Sing
This is my greatest passion. My one and only passion, perhaps. I was still in Senior High when I was first take my vocal class. Thankfully my mom somehow approve me to enter that class. And, with a lot of spirit, passion, time of practices, and of course talent, I finally had my moment to come up on stage and then show all of the people about 'my thing'. I finally had a chance to prove that my passion wasn't just about some stupid fantasy but it is truly my biggest compassion in my whole life. And I'm not buying it. I was thrilled and I can hypnotized them even though I know I'm not as good as the expert, but I'm pretty well. So, when I start to sing, it feels like I was up in the air and I was explode! It was more than just awesome! It was indescribable!
3. Being appreciated
This is something that isn't easy to get. I need a really hard work just to be appreciate by someone. I do believe that if we wanna be appreciated and respected, we should do it first to other people and so they will do something bigger to us then. But, when we've already achieve something big in our life and then people will come to see what we've done. It really makes me proud!It feels like I've been into a high level of my own life and I was above all of other people. It really do feels good when we can feel so big while everyone seems so little. Hahahaha.
4. Fall in love
Silly but true. Who doesn't feel any firework when they're having a relationship, it really does mean something! I'm not a girl who can easily fall for someone. For me, it takes times and processes. Some people say that we can't ever tell when will we ever fall for love. But for me, we can tell it whenever we see the fireworks in our partner's eyes. And now, you probably think that I was happy for it. Well, I was happy for most of the time, but then I spend the rest of the time thinking and preparing my self from the hurt of the falling part. Well, that's the beauty of falling for love, I think.

So far, I can only think about 4 things that already happen in my life that can really makes a firework on my day. What about you? Ready to make another firework with me?
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